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Our mission is to discover, maintain, and transmit knowledge concerning basic plant biology and provide leadership in the biological sciences.
As a department, we affirm Chancellor Blank’s repeated messages that the diversity of our community is a source of strength and creativity. We are more alike than we are different and as a department, we have no tolerance for discrimination or racism. We welcome you, wherever you are from and whoever you are.

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If a tree is witness to a murder, a translator is needed to get its testimony. Enter Alex Wiedenhoeft, Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) Research Botanist and Team Leader in the Center for Wood Anatomy Research (CWAR).

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Research in the Baum Lab shows that simple laboratory techniques can spur the kinds of reactions that are likely necessary to explain how life got started on Earth some four billion years ago.

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For botanist Ken Cameron, orchids fascinate as well as inspire him to further research in plant evolution and biodiversity.
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Support the Department of Botany’s education and research missions.